About Us
We are a non-profit organization that exists to confront and create culture for Christ.
What We Believe
Our ministry holds to the historic christian faith. We affirm the ecumenical creeds of the christian church and adopt both the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession and the Westminster Confession as our statements of faith.
The Problem of Our Day
For years christians have neglected one of the main reasons for our existence, the glory of God through the cultural mandate (Genesis 1:26). While the secular humanist worldview has worked towards advancement in areas like education, art, and technology (obeying the cultural mandate), as christians we have remained quiet and at best on the defense of the current culture war we’re in. This has unsurprisingly led to the downfall and moral decay of society
in the world. We believe that things should and can change.
The gospel of Christ is our hope and we exist to proclaim this gospel and work towards shaping and lighting up the darkness that remains in every sphere of life as we confront and create culture for Christ, our King.

The Solution
Even though knowing how to defend our faith is an essential part to our christian life. It is foundational that we strive towards advancing the Kingdom of God not only defending it. We believe that it is time for christians to move towards the offense. It is not enough to identify and expose darkness.
We believe that the church is the salt of the earth and that we must be in the business of seasoning all things to the glory of God.
This translates into quite the opposite of withdrawing from the culture. Yes, we must be ready to confront culture, but we need to also be ready to create culture.

The Battlefield
It is no surprise that the current decay and decline of our society runs in parallel with the decay and decline seen today in the most basic institution; the family.
The castration of men, feminism, LGBTQ+, and abortion, all have one thing in common, they are an attack on the home.
As Christians we cannot remain silent. We must engage in the war for the home by proclaiming the glory of God's design for the family.
It is also no surprise that the current decay and decline of our society runs in parallel to the fact that for decades we have given our children over to the secular humanist state education.
As christians we have believed the lie and myth of neutrality in the sphere of education and have been naive to think that our children are safe in the hands of the enemy.
Our children must be educated with a christian worldview, and our duty as christians is not merely to withdraw from these pagan institutions, but to also create and provide a Christ-exalting alternative that seeks to equip the next generation with a robustly christian education.
In this digital era it is inevitable to recognize the power of content and media. Companies have invested millions in creating online media platforms where they can continue to impact the world through content. People are engaged daily and are being impacted and shaped by the lies of the world through the power of media.
Christians need to enter in and engage the sphere of media so that we may create and provide impacting and life-shaping content based on the truth of God's word.
Art is a manifestation of beauty. Beauty is powerful and therefore, so are the arts. This is why the enemy uses the arts to proclaim and advance darkness. The world has ruthlessly targetted our children to promote their secular humanist agenda and preach their narrative to the masses. Hollywood, the film and music industry understand the power of story-telling through the arts, and this is why they are willing to put their money where their mouth is.
But does art belong to God? Well, if beauty belongs to God, then the arts do too. Therefore christians should be the alternative to excellent films, music, and art that proclaims the truth of God's story and the beauty of Christ.
So many christians think of work and business as something we are to do only to survive in this world as we anxiously await for the second coming of Christ. But work is a calling from God.
We believe christians are to be active in the marketplace, while inspiring others to work hard and do business to honor God and to invest in and advance His Kingdom.
To do this, we must recover a biblical understanding of vocation, tools, and resources.